Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mixbook: Nature Poems

Mr. Kauffman, a third grade teacher in Indiana, shared his student's acrostic nature poems with us through Skype's share feature.  His class also asked us to collaborate on a Mixbook, an online digital scrapbook.  We used the strategy of visualizing to create a mental image of their poems.  Next, we learned the basic components of Mixbook.  Last, each student added their illustration and choose a coordinating background while practicing skills on the SMARTboard.  Here's the final product.

| View Sample Photo Books | Create your own Photo Book

Word Work: Spelling Sorts

We've been sorting our spelling words using a variety of tools including SMARTnotebook "games", magnets, mini-dry erase boards, Spelling City, and online magnetic letters.  During centers, students need to work together to accomplish the goal.  This week, an Airliner was introduced.  Here's a screen shot of one of the groups' work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Strategy: Predict

Before and during reading Mrs. Brown Went to Town by Wong Herbert Yee, we made sure to THINK & PREDICT!  Below are some of our predictions. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skill: Realism vs. Fantasy

We read another silly story, Julius by Angela Johnson.  But, we also learned about real pigs and what they do.  Here's our first VoiceThread on the different elements of the story - things that could happen and things that could never really happen.

If you'd leave us on comment right on the VoiceThread, we'd love it!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Strategy: Summarize

Our first Glog of the Year! 
After lots of laughs, we enjoyed summarizing Dragon Gets By by Dav Pilkey with three simple letters...B, M, E. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Love 4 Learning

We love learning...check out our Wordle of what we learned this summer and what we'd like to learn in second grade!

Wordle: Love 4 Learning
Click on the Wordle to view a larger image.

What did YOU learn this summer and what would YOU like to learn this year?